Growing up it was just me and my brother
Against the world and against each other
And we were rarely easy on our poor maw
There was a time ‘bout seven or eight
When things were good and life was great
But that all changed the day we lost our paw

When I was thirteen and he was eleven
My brother and me robbed a 24-7
And that chewing gum never tasted so darn sweet
Well that’s when it hit me, that’s when it started
The feel of the rush, the beat in my heart and
My brother right beside me, he agreed


When I was sixteen we decided to try
Closing time at the chicken fry
And for the first time we had money in our pockets
We dropped out of school ‘cause what was the point?
As long as we stayed out of the joint
We could roll from town to town and rock it!

Well I was Bonnie and he was Clyde
When we took off on one hell of a ride
That lasted for a lifetime, so it seemed
But as we headed out of Kentucky
Suddenly we weren’t so lucky
As the sirens in the distance began to scream


We drove as fast as our Chevy would go
But those cops they just kept getting close
Until the long arm of the law finally caught us
They hauled us in, us both together
But said that’d be the last time ever
And then they threw me on a different bus

But then the day that I broke out of prison
I found my brother and headed back to Texas
Back to where this story all began
Our momma cried when we hugged her neck
Then she slapped us both upside the head
And we swore we’d never do that to her again


Well the days went by slow as molasses
The months they all but seemed to pass us
And my brother and me we tried the best we could
But once you’ve tasted life like that
There’s never really any going back
And that’s when we broke our momma’s heart for good

So now we’re stuck here in Californie
My momma, yeah, she tried to warn me
But I was never any good at taking heed
I ain’t seen my brother since who knows when
And I’m not sure I ever will again
‘Cause the warden says she’ll throw away the key


Copyright 2024 Jenni Dale Lord. All rights reserved.